周红1,李百浩2,伍国正1,胡隽1.湘西沅水流域古城镇分布特征与 新型城镇化建设[J].湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版),2014,17(5):93-97
湘西沅水流域古城镇分布特征与 新型城镇化建设
On New Urbanization from Distribution Feature of HistoricalTowns along the Yuanshui River Basin in the Western Hunan
中文关键词: 沅水流域  古城镇  空间分布  新型城镇化
英文关键词: Yuanshui River Basin  historical town  spatial arrangements  new urbanization
周红1,李百浩2,伍国正1,胡隽1 1.湖南科技大学 建筑与城乡规划学院湖南 湘潭 4112012.东南大学 建筑学院江 苏 南京 211189 
摘要点击次数: 2508
全文下载次数: 2784
      Historical towns along the Yuanshui River Basin have a long-standing history and culture. The layout and the site selection of the historical towns along the Yuanshui River Basin both have reflected the essence of ancient Wuxi culture, and showed the typical distribution features of landscape culture towns. Thus, the new urbanization construction shall be proceeded by the inheritance of the local dwelling culture and the protection of the natural ecology along the drainage basin, the coordination of the historical urban area construction, and the respect of the ethnic characteristics. The spatial form of the town in Yuanshui River Basin are closely linked with the Yuanshui River, modern new urbanization construction shall, from the macroscopic level, i.e. the regional planning of the Yuanshui River Basin, analyze the problems existed in currently small town construction, and shall accurately position as well as reasonably lay out the new urbanization construction.
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