Epistemic Closure Principle and Logical Omniscience
中文关键词: 认知封闭  认知主体  逻辑全能
英文关键词: epistemic closure  cognitive subject  logical omniscience
黄玉兰,陈晓华 湘潭大学 哲学系湖南 湘潭 411105 
李萌 1.对外经济贸易大学 法学院北京 1000292.兰州商学院 法学院甘肃 兰州 730020 
刘红峰1,刘惠良2 1.湖南科技大学 管理学院2.湖南科技大学 马克思主义学院湖南 湘潭 411201 
袁圆,屠国元 中南大学 外国语学院 湖南 长沙 410083 
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全文下载次数: 3424
      Epistemic closure principle is an important topic in the theory of knowledge, and logic is the basic tool for the discussion of this topic. Logical omniscience problem is the result of epistemic closure principle as an initial axiom in the systems of epistemic logic, which both presuppose idealized cognitive subject. There are some differences, i.e. epistemic closure principle is the cognitive group, while the logical omniscience problem is relative to the cognitive subject who is characterized by epistemic logic system. Because of the presupposed idealized cognitive subject, the subjects cognitive ability is the absolute correctness, which can lead to that epistemic closure principle is failure and the logic omniscience subject is not intuitive. From this point of view, the analysis of epistemic closure principle contributes to the reason analysis of the logical omniscience, and the solution to the logical omniscience also contributes to the defence of epistemic closure principle.
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