The Loss, Decentralization and Reconstruction of the Government s Discourse Power from the Perspective of Microblog
中文关键词: 政府话语权  微博  流失  重构  互动
英文关键词: government s discourse power  microblog  loss  reconstruction  interaction
刘少华,戴瑜宏 湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410082 
摘要点击次数: 2400
全文下载次数: 2052
      Along with the network development, the era of new media, represented by microblog, has arrived and become the important factor to affect the government’s discourse power. Although the government grasps the initiatives of discourse power in network, the interaction between the government and the public is poor, and the government discourse power has been lost and decentralized by equal discourse rights in network because the degree of public awareness of right equality and openness of government information is low, the government fails to respond in time; the way to release the government s information is not close to the public. In the competition of acquiring the discourse power, the government should strengthen its efforts of information release, handle online speeches properly, attach equal importance to fighting and persuading the improper online speeches, establish a microblog operation team dealing with government s affairs, shift the conversational mode, and change the one-way transmission to the multi-way interaction.
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