泛珠九省入境旅游客源市场与 旅游创汇研究
On Inbound Tourism Market and International Tourism Receipts in Inland Nine Provinces of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Based on Shift-Share Method and Value Index
中文关键词: 偏离-份额方法  相对价值指数  相对人均价值指数  入境旅游  泛珠九省
英文关键词: Shift-Share Method  Relative Value Index  Relative Per Capita Value Index  Inbound tourism  inland nine provinces of the Pan-Pearl River Delta
曾剑云 湖南科技大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 411201 
摘要点击次数: 2144
全文下载次数: 2103
      This paper, based on the tourism data from 2004 to 2011 and by choosing the Shift-Share Method and constructing the overseas tourist's Relative Value Index and Relative Per capita Value Index, studies the transmutation of inbound tourism market and the international tourism receipts in the inland nine provinces of the Pan-Pearl River Delta. Results show that the development of the nine provinces' inbound tourism and the per international receipts from overseas tourists have surpassed the national average level, and the latter advantage has gradually weakened, whereas the international tourism receipts have not reached the national average level. Among the inbound tourism development of the inland nine provinces of the Pan-Pearl Rive Delta, Jiangxi Province, Hainan Province and Hunan Province top other provinces, and the advantages of the international tourism receipts in Fujian Province and the per international tourism receipts in Guangdong Province are striking and improving.
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