Rewriting in Translation and Its Motivations from Eco-translatology
中文关键词: 生态翻译学  翻译生态环境  翻译改写  适应性选择转换  双向动态对等
英文关键词: eco-translatology  translational eco-enviroment  rewriting in translation  adaptive transformation  bilateral dynamic equivalence
基金项目:本文为江苏省“333四期工程”资助项目(BRA2011086)和中国高等职业技术教育研究会“十二五”规划课题 (GZYGH2011056);江苏省高教学会“十二五”规划课题(KT2011570)阶段性成果;苏州工业职业技术学院科研团队项目(苏工院[2013]69号)
唐祥金 1.江苏大学 管理学院江苏 镇江2120032.苏州工业职业技术学院 国际教育学院江苏 苏州 215104 
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      Based on translational eco-environment, rewriting in translation is a strategic choice. It aims at the effective conveyance of the cultural characteristics from the source language into the target language as well as the fluency of bi-lingual communications. Eco-translatology accounts for rewriting in translation, and thus it is well motivated. Through adaptive transformation from linguistic dimension, rewriting in translation lays more emphasis on target-reader -centeredness. Through adaptive transformation from cultural dimension, it is also target-culture-oriented. In order to improve the degree of holistic adaptation and selection, we rewrite in translation from the angle of intercultural communication. With all the efforts as listed above, we intend to faithfully convey the semantic and functional and underlying meanings, and to achieve the bilateral dynamic equivalence.
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