毛泽东在“多事之秋”的沉着应对与 理论思考——纪念“一论”“再论”发表六十周年
Mao Zedong’s Calm Response to “Troubled Times” andHis Theoretical Thinking: Commemorating the 60th Anniversary ofthe Publication of On Historical Experience of Proletarian Dictatorship and Further Discussion of Historical Experience of Proletarian Dictatorship
中文关键词: 毛泽东  赫鲁晓夫  “一论”  “再论”  科学社会主义  理论贡献
英文关键词: Mao Zedong  Khrushchev  On Historical Experience of Proletarian Dictatorship  Further Discussion of Historical Experience of Proletarian Dictatorship  scientific socialism  theoretical contribution
基金项目:江苏省社科基金项目 (14SZB003);江苏省社科基金重大项目(13ZD001)
周显信,华文倩 南京信息工程大学 马克思主义学院江苏 南京 210044 
摘要点击次数: 1484
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      Mao Zedong held that the year 1956 was “troubled times”. At the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Khrushchev made a “secret report”, i.e. On Personal Worship and Its Effects, which resulted in a great turmoil in the international communist movement. In order to cope with this serious challenge, Mao Zedong led People’s Daily to publish two important leading articles, i.e. On Historical Experience of Proletarian Dictatorship and Further Discussion of Historical Experience of Proletarian Dictatorship, expressed the Chinese Communist Party’s correct attitude towards the individual worship and deepened the understanding of the laws of scientific socialism, which is still shining with the light of truth today.
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