On Feng Zicais Historical Position from the Perspective of Modern Frontier Crises
中文关键词: 冯子材  治理  边疆危机  军事斗争  政治建树
英文关键词: Feng Zicai  deal with  frontier crises  military struggle  political achievements
蒋金晖 岭南师范学院 法政学院广东 湛江 524048 
摘要点击次数: 1958
全文下载次数: 1813
      从同治四年(1865)至光绪二十七年(1901),冯子材受清政府重用,先后出任负有“巩护疆陲”使命的广西提督、督办(广东)钦廉防务大臣、云南提督等职,在长达36年的时间里,为治理粤、桂、滇三省边疆危机,维护祖国的主权和领土完整,为饱经内忧外患之苦的上述边疆濒海地区的稳定、繁荣和发展,进行了艰苦卓绝的军事斗争和深谋远虑的政治建树。被时人盛赞为“边关卧虎”、“国门砥柱”, 堪称中国近代史上杰出的民族英雄。
      From 1865 to 1901, Feng Zicai was appointed by the Qing Government as the Governor of Guangxi Province with the commission of “fortifying and protecting the frontiers”, the Defense Minister supervising Qinzhou and Lianzhou of Guangdong Province, and the Governor of Yunnan Province, etc. For 36 years, Feng Zicai had carried out extremely hard and bitter military struggles, and made foresightedly political contributions in dealing with the frontier crises in Guangdong Province, Guangxi Province, and Yunnan Province, maintaining the integrity of sovereignty and territory as well as for the stability, prosperity and development of the above provinces that had suffered from many domestic troubles and foreign invasions in their frontiers. Highly praised by the people of that time as “the crouching tiger on the frontiers” and “the doorpost of the country”, Feng Zicai was indeed an outstanding national hero in the history of modern China.
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