On the Specialty Alienation
中文关键词: 专业异化  去人格化  消解
英文关键词: specialty alienation  depersonalization  elimination
摘要点击次数: 2470
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      Specialty alienation refers to the phenomenon that in practice people consciously or unconsciously absolutize specialty and regard an individual to be completely specialized.By taking the name of specialty as the starting point,specialty nature is used to regulate an individual’s character,thus an individual is alienated to be the symbol of specialty and the individual’s wholeness equals to specialty function.Specialty alienation is negative,as it results in the fact that specialty education replaces talent cultivation,partially stresses the specialty function,an individual is alienated to be tools,and the name of specialty conceals specialty essence and specialty humanity.To dissolve specialty alienation mainly depends on upgrading people’s concept,and it can hope to be relieved by taking some countermeasures and by exerting longtime efforts.Currently,a bigger value of the discussions about specialty alienation is seen in its theoretic aspect.
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