Reflections on the Relationship between Theory and Practice from the Perspective of Mao Zedong Thought: Also on the Historical Logic for Mao Zedong to Realize Localization of Marxism in China
中文关键词: 毛泽东  理论  实践  历史  马克思主义
英文关键词: Mao Zedong  theory  practice  history  Marxism
韩步江 南京大学 哲学系江苏 南京 210046 
摘要点击次数: 1856
全文下载次数: 148
      理论与实践之间的关系是毛泽东实现马克思主义中国化的关键问题,正确理解和处理这个问题是中国共产党领导中国革命和建设取得胜利的重要保证。与固守理论教旨的教条主义者和倚重实践经验的经验主义者不同,毛泽东在实现马克思主义中国化的历史进程中坚持马克思主义理论本质与中国社会实践活动的具体的历史的辩证统一,反对主观主义的线性认识路线,反对固守理论教条的右倾投降主义和脱离理论指导的“左”倾盲动冒险主义,善于总结经验教训,善于结合实践活动经验科学合理地从马克思主义理论 “多”中抽象出“一”,灵活适时地调整实践的主题、进程和方法,使马克思主义在中国土地上获得了一种实现形式,对继续推进马克思主义中国化历史进程具有重要的方法论指导意义。
      The relationship between theory and practice is the key for Mao Zedong to realize the localization of Marxism. A correct understanding and handling of this problem is an important guarantee to win the victory of the Chinese revolution and construction under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. Different from many dogmatists clung to the doctrine and empiricists heavily relied on the experience, Mao Zedong insists on the concrete historical dialectical combination with the essence of Marxism and Chinese social practice, objects to the subjectivism knowing route, the right capitulationism theory and the “left” leaning reckless adventurism. Mao Zedong is good at summing up experience and abstracting out Marxism essence according to the experience of the practice, flexible and duly adjusted the theme, process and method of the practice, which makes Marxism acquire a realization form on Chinese land. This will be of very importantly methodological significance for the historical process of improving the localization of Marxism in China
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