On Institutional Plights of Employment Support for theDisabled from the Perspective of Embedability
中文关键词: 残疾人就业  制度困境  嵌入性  政策工具  政策共同
英文关键词: the employment of the disabled  the institutional plight  embedability  policy tools  policy community
基金项目:2014年国家社会科学基金项目 (14BSH096) ;2012年江苏省高校首批中青年教师境外研修项目;2013年江苏省第四期“333”高层次人才工程;2014年江苏省高校“青蓝工程”;江苏省社科基金项目(14SHB007)
许巧仙 南京特殊教育师范学院 管理学院江苏 南京 210038 
摘要点击次数: 2466
全文下载次数: 2051
      China has made great efforts to enact and implement the special employment support policy to improve the employment of the disabled, but it does not achieve remarkable effects. The research analyzes the institutional plights when the employment support policy of the disabled is formulated and implemented in light of embedability of the economic sociology; it mainly discusses the institutional factors related to policy working. The research finds that the significant variables affecting policy working are the welfare value orientation of the disabled at the lower level of the nation, and the employment support policy tool of the disabled are relatively isolated from the broad system background, politics-oriented policy tools and discrete policy community. To support the employment of the disabled, the government is required to further enhance the welfare of the disabled, pay attention to the interaction and cooperation between the preferential system and the generalized system of preferences of the disabled when designing the top-level system, so as to gather the strength of all the parties to stimulate the responsibilities and the duties of diverse subjects in policy community.
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